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xHTML 1.0 Strict reference

xHTML 1.0 Strict is an evolution, a reformulation, of HTML that uses the syntax of XML, the Extensible Markup Language. XHTML has all the same elements as HTML, but the syntax is slightly different and syntax errors are not to be tolerated. Because XHTML is an XML application, you can use other XML tools with it, such as XSLT, a language for transforming XML content.
xHTML 1.0 Strict est une évolution, une reformulation, de HTML qui utilise la syntaxe de XML, le langage de balises extensible. xHTML a tous les éléments de HTML, mais la syntaxe est légèrement différente et les erreurs de syntaxe ne doivent pas être tolérées. Puisque xHTML est une application de XML, vous pouvez vous servir d'autres outils de XML avec xHTML, tel que xSLT, un langage pour transformer du contenu XML.


<!--...-->Defines a comment.
<!DOCTYPE> Defines the document type.
<a>Defines an anchor.
<abbr>Defines an abbreviation.
<acronym>Defines an acronym.
<address>Defines an address element.
<applet>Deprecated. Defines an applet.
<area>Defines an area inside an image map.
<b>Defines bold text.
<base>Defines a base URL for all the links in a page.
<basefont>Deprecated. Defines a base font.
<bdo>Defines the direction of text display.
<big>Defines big text.
<blockquote>Defines a long quotation.
<body>Defines the body element.
<br>Inserts a single line break.
<button>Defines a push button.
<caption>Defines a table caption.
<center>Deprecated. Defines centered text.
<cite>Defines a citation.
<code>Defines computer code text.
<col>Defines attributes for table columns.
<colgroup>Defines groups of table columns.
<dd>Defines a definition description.
<del>Defines deleted text.
<dir>Deprecated. Defines a directory list.
<div>Defines a section in a document.
<dfn>Defines a definition term.
<dl>Defines a definition list.
<dt>Defines a definition term.
<em>Defines emphasized text.
<fieldset>Defines a fieldset.
<font>Deprecated. Defines text font, size, and color.
<form>Defines a form.
<frame>Defines a sub window (a frame).
<frameset>Defines a set of frames.
<h6>Defines header 1 to header 6.
<head>Defines information about the document.
<hr>Defines a horizontal rule.
<html>Defines an html document.
<i>Defines italic text.
<iframe>Defines an inline sub window (frame).
<img>Defines an image.
<input>Defines an input field.
<ins>Defines inserted text.
<isindex>Deprecated. Defines a single-line input field.
<kbd>Defines keyboard text.
<label>Defines a label for a form control.
<legend>Defines a title in a fieldset.
<li>Defines a list item.
<link>Defines a resource reference.
<map>Defines an image map.
<menu>Deprecated. Defines a menu list.
<meta>Defines meta information.
<noframes>Defines a noframe section.
<noscript>Defines a noscript section.
<object>Defines an embedded object.
<ol>Defines an ordered list.
<optgroup>Defines an option group.
<option>Defines an option in a drop-down list.
<p>Defines a paragraph.
<param>Defines a parameter for an object.
<pre>Defines preformatted text.
<q>Defines a short quotation.
<s>Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.
<samp>Defines sample computer code.
<script>Defines a script.
<select>Defines a selectable list.
<small>Defines small text.
<span>Defines a section in a document.
<strike>Deprecated. Defines strikethrough text.
<strong>Defines strong text.
<style>Defines a style definition.
<sub>Defines subscripted text.
<sup>Defines superscripted text.
<table>Defines a table.
<tbody>Defines a table body.
<td>Defines a table cell.
<textarea>Defines a text area.
<tfoot>Defines a table footer.
<th>Defines a table header.
<thead>Defines a table header.
<title>Defines the document title.
<tr>Defines a table row.
<tt>Defines teletype text.
<u>Deprecated. Defines underlined text.
<ul>Defines an unordered list.
<var>Defines a variable.
<xmp>Deprecated. Defines preformatted text.

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Core Attributes

Not valid in base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.

Attribute: Value: Description:
class class_rule or style_rule. The class of the element.
id name. A unique id for the element.
style style_definition. An inline style definition.
title tooltip_text. A text to display in a tool tip.

Language Attributes

Not valid in base, br, frame, frameset, hr, iframe, param, and script elements.

Attribute: Value: Description:
dir ltr | rtl. Sets the text direction.
lang language_code. Sets the language code.

Keyboard Attributes

Attribute: Value: Description:
accesskey character. Sets a keyboard shortcut to access an element.
tabindex number. Sets the tab order of an element.

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Window Events

Only valid in body and frameset elements.

Attribute: Value: Description:
onload script. Script to be run when a document loads.
onunload script. Script to be run when a document unloads.

Form Element Events

Only valid in form elements.

Attribute: Value: Description:
onchange script. Script to be run when the element changes.
onsubmit script. Script to be run when the form is submitted.
onreset script. Script to be run when the form is reset.
onselect script. Script to be run when the element is selected.
onblur script. Script to be run when the element loses focus.
onfocus script. Script to be run when the element gets focus.

Keyboard Events

Not valid in base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.

Attribute: Value: Description:
onkeydown script. What to do when key is pressed.
onkeypress script. What to do when key is pressed and released.
onkeyup script. What to do when key is released.

Mouse Events

Not valid in base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.

Attribute: Value: Description:
onclick script. What to do on a mouse click.
ondblclick script. What to do on a mouse doubleclick.
onmousedown script. What to do when mouse button is pressed.
onmousemove script. What to do when mouse pointer moves.
onmouseover script. What to do when mouse pointer moves over an element.
onmouseout script. What to do when mouse pointer moves out of an element.
onmouseup script. What to do when mouse button is released.

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patrickgross.org Validation xHTML Strict
Jeudi, 6 mars 2025